Your Inner Critic
We all have different parts of us. Some of us have perfectionistic, avoidance, and/or people please parts. We will talk about those parts, and how they are working to help you, in future blog posts. Can you relate to having an inner critic? How is your inner critic trying to help you?
A protector part: a part of you that is working to protect you from difficult feelings such as shame, failure, or fear of rejection.
An exile: difficult feelings or memories that we push down to manage in our day to day life.
An inner critic is an example of a protector part. Your inner critic is that voice in your head saying “way to go, you blew it”, “their ideas are better”, “they see right through me”, “wow you sounded like an idiot”.
The paradox: the inner critic is attacking and demeaning you in an effort to protect you from an exile such as the shame of failure or possible rejection.
How to manage this protector part:
1. Show the inner critic care and compassion by acknowledging that it is working to protect you.
2. Use self-affirmations to redirect the inner critic’s message. Remind yourself of your strengths, areas of success, or talents. “I bring a creative and unique perspective”, “I am a compassionate and thoughtful friend”, “I put people at ease and am approachable”.