The Power Of Breathwork
Breathing is an automatic function that the body does without us having to think about it. However, sometimes when we are anxious or stressed, our breathing can become shallow and restricted.
Breathwork refers to intentional breathing exercises that help us regulate our breathing, emotions, and mood. Breathwork helps us become regulated in two ways.
1. It requires you to be present, therefore not thinking about what is causing you anxiety/stress
2. You regulate your autonomic nervous system and reach parasympathetic nervous system...check out this blog post to learn more
By engaging in Breathwork, to manage anxiety and stress, you are able to think more clearly, be calmer, and reduce emotional decisions. There are a lot of different types of breathing exercises, but I’d like to introduce two that are easy to start practicing. Below I will outline Belly Breathing and the 4-7-8 Technique.
Belly Breathing:.
Place one hand on your chest and one hand on your belly.
Take a full and deep breath … notice which hand rises.
The goal is to have the hand on your belly move as you breathe.
If the hand on your chest rises, focus on breathing deep into your belly.
4-7-8 Technique:.
Breath in quietly through your nose for 4 seconds.
Hold the breath for 7 seconds.
Breath out forcefully through pursed lips, making a “whooshing” sound, for 8 seconds.
Repeat the cycle 4 times.
Breathwork takes practice and can feel strange at first. Keep practicing and you will get the hang of it! Your body and mind will thank you.