How To Use Positive Affrimations

On a day-to-day basis, we all have thousands of thoughts. We are aware of some of the thoughts and others we have without even noticing. Our thought content and mindset are very powerful and play a role in our personal beliefs and interactions with others. 

When an event occurs, we have a perception of this event. Our perception leads to a thought, which can either be helpful or unhelpful. The thought leads us to feel an emotion and the emotion leads to an action or behavior. Our thoughts create a chain reaction and sometimes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Check out this blog post to learn more

Positive affirmations are thoughts or phrases you practice saying to yourself. It is a great way to be intentional about your thoughts. With practice and time, you can literally rewire the brain to shift negative or unhelpful thoughts. Just like any new habit, it’s going to take time and may feel a little weird at first. 

Here are a few ways to incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routine: 

  • Use a phone app to send you a notification as a reminder to practice your affirmation(s). ‘Affirmations’ is a free app that sends you a positive affirmation every morning or allows you to create your own. The pre-created positive affirmations can be helpful at first as you get the hang of creating affirmations specific to you and your goals.

  • Post something in an area you visit daily. Write out a few positive affirmations and hang it where you brush your teeth, get dressed, on your laptop, on your desk, or your fridge. This will be a friendly reminder to practice.

  • Pinterest has hundreds of examples that you can pick from. It can be difficult to come up with your own at first, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, just use the examples you can find online. Some people enjoy picking new positive affirmations to practice each week

Keep your eyes out for our Monday post where we will share positive affirmations to practice throughout the week


Cognitive Distortions


Acheiving Balance With Wise Mind