Managing Impulses and Conflict

HALT is an acronym to build self-awareness and make sure your basic needs are met. When our basic needs aren’t met, we are more likely to make impulsive decisions or have a conflict with a loved one, friend, or co-worker. HALT and ask yourself…”Am I feeling hungry, angry, lonely, or tired right now”

Here are some tips if you are feeling any of the following: 

Hungry: Have you heard of the term “hangry”? It's that grumpy feeling you get when you are hungry due to a drop in your blood sugar. Maintaining a regular eating schedule with balanced meals will help regulate your mood. Make sure you keep your fridge stocked and keep some healthy snacks (an apple, trail mix, protein bar, or beef jerky) in the car or your bag for times you get hungry. It’s also helpful to consider doing some food prep and meal planning to have consistent and balanced meals. 

Angry: Emotions give us information. If you are feeling angry, HALT and ask yourself “why” to identify the cause of your anger. It can be helpful to do one of the following to work through your anger in a healthy way: running, cleaning, journaling, or a creative project. Once you have worked through some of your anger, it’s helpful to address the root cause of your anger. Depending on what led to the anger, perhaps calmly talking to the person or managing your thoughts regarding a situation in which you have no control. 

Lonely: Loneliness sometimes occurs due to isolation. When we feel depressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, isolating ourselves can be a way we try to cope. Although we can feel lonely even when surrounded by people, it’s important we reach out for support. If you are feeling lonely, HALT and ask yourself ways you can connect with others. Try these strategies: phone a friend, make plans with a loved one, spend time at a coffee shop or visit animals at a pet store. If you're feeling misunderstood and unsupported, work with a counselor to explore these feelings or join a support group.

Tired: In today’s society people are expected and encouraged to always be on the go and sacrifice sleep. Sleep is very important as it impacts your mood, ability to problem solve, and your hormone levels. If you are feeling tired, HALT and ask yourself how you can rest more. Try these sleep strategies: maintain a regular sleep schedule, create a sleep routine with time to decompress before bed, and ensure your room is dark and free from electronics. If you are getting enough sleep (7-9 hrs) and are in need of rest try 10 minutes of meditation, a brief walk in nature, or scheduling a restful activity like a movie night.


Building Your Emotional Skills


Cognitive Distortions